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Train employees
in a click.

Easy, ready to use!

SMARTERatWORK by DENKie is an open learning platform with short and results-oriented courses in three languages ​​(NL, FR, ENG). What are the tools for? Making companies and employees work safer and happier. Simple and impactful.

Free short online training courses in the workplace

Simple | cross-linguistic | visually

How it works? Simple.

Topics linked to safety, environment and culture are presented through animated videos. The recognizable situations are fun to watch and easy to understand. The result: the message sticks with the employees.

Watch the videos with tips and tricks for free and take the training test(s)! If you also want to inform your employees, you can also share the link with them for free. They are informed by means of a video and afterwards they can also test their knowledge in a short quiz. Those who pass will receive a certificate. Et voilà, the knowledge about safety and well-being within your company takes a big leap!

View the training

Take the quiz

View and share the result

A selection from our 22 courses

A training library with dozens of short training courses that are continuously available to employees, that is SMARTERatWORK. From ergonomics to internal transport and from working at height to sorting waste. This is just a selection of the e-learning offering.








Make companies & employees work safer and happier through short online training courses in the workplace.

Today we help tens of thousands of employees with their safety behavior. We ensure a safer, healthier & smarter environment in companies. The success of our concept lies in its simplicity.

The possibilities of our concept are endless.

For employees

the message sticks with the employees

For management

more insight for management

Curious about SMARTERatWORK?

We open the SMARTERatWORK platform to increase safety in companies. Discover the different courses and the simplicity of the platform for yourself. Convinced? Share the knowledge within your company.

Our promise

We give you full peace of mind
and take care of everything.

All our work is tailor-made for you,
so no generic solutions.

We challenge ourselves each day
to get the most creative ideas.

This is how we help companies year in, year out

Assistance and follow-up with implementation of the concept

Setting up the project

Getting commitment from colleagues

Motivate everyone to use the concept

Continuously working on safety and well-being year in, year out

Setting up new campaigns & evaluating the previous ones

Acting according to your wishes

New videos that are a nice addition

The choice is yours

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Ready-made, ready-to-use

Easy training courses for you and your team

Continuously available to all employees

Simple and clear

Measurable (result/time/cfr employment deal) – option

Data (ESG/auditors/ISO/legislator) – option

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Customized campaigns

Safety and well-being workshop with you and your team

Solid advice and action plan

Creative inspiration mood boards

Personalized branding

Custom videos

Overview of tools and actions with budget

Contact us for a chat

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Meer weten over SMARTERatWORK
en Safetyboarding van medewerkers en contractors in 144 talen?

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